Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here!


The Mission

To provide a safe place to start, to learn, to explore, and navigate the gray areas of how to be a better parent, advocate, ally to LGBTQIA+ youth.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn't have a clue how to ask questions about a topic that could potentially offend someone? Perhaps you were afraid to ask - or worse, say the wrong thing? I've been there more times than I'd like to admit in my life. In those moments, I always wished there was someone I could be candid with to just be myself and explore that topic without judgment or embarrassment. This is who I hope to be for you when it comes to questions about gender expansive youth. The truth is, as much as I have learned during the journey of becoming a parent to one transgender and one cisgender daughter, I don't know everything. However, in almost all cases, I can and will find the answer. I've built an incredible village of allies, friends, experts, and community and I am so grateful for each and every one of them. So please, never be afraid to ask when the question is coming from the best-intended place; your heart. We’re so glad you're here.


On the Blog

